• Para el Amor, Chocolate – Encuentra la Receta de Ana Benítez Muro

    Un alimento ideal para disfrutar con el ser amado, este ingrediente ha estado presente en la dieta de los mexicanos desde tiempos prehispánicos

    Foto: Bertha Herrera para La Vitamina T


    Aunque no se ha comprobado la eficacia de los afrodisiacos, lo cierto es que el chocolate es el único alimento que puede acrecentar los deseos del amor y esto, porque el cacao posee feniletilamina que produce una “grata sensación” a quién lo consume. La presencia de esta delicia entre los mexicanos data desde los tiempos de los aztecas.
    Por ejemplo, cuenta la leyenda que Quetzalcóatl, el dios bondadoso de los aztecas, regaló a los hombres el árbol del cacao, antes de ser expulsado del paraíso y lo llamaron “cacahuatl”, actualmente se trata de un ingrediente muy apreciado en casi todos los países del mundo.
    Sin embargo, la fantasía sobre los afrodisiacos como el chocolate ha llegado incluso a las leyendas, pasajes históricos, libros y hasta a las pantallas cinematográficas como el caso de la novela “Como Agua para Chocolate“, escrita por Laura Esquivel.
    Registros históricos aseguran que cuando el emperador Moctezuma dormía con sus doncellas, esa noche tomaba tres tazas de agua de chocolate, la bebida era aromatizada con flores de cacao, vainilla y flor de magnolia. Lo que establece que los aztecas fueron los primeros en vincular este alimento con los placeres sexuales. Los guerreros y el pueblo azteca también consumían cacao para aguantar las largas jornadas de trabajo.

    No cabe duda, que este alimento milenario sigue teniendo gran arraigo entre los habitantes del pueblo mexicano, ya que no únicamente es transformado en golosinas, sino que en las provincias del interior de la República Mexicana, también se usa en diferentes preparaciones como el famoso chocolate-atole de Oaxaca o el pozol, de Tabasco.
    Sin lugar a dudas, el chocolate es un alimento que produce saciedad y placer. Por lo que es una excelente alternativa para tener un festejo muy sabroso este Día de los Enamorados.

    Chocolate al estilo oaxaqueño
    30 gramos de almendra con cáscara
    2 rajitas de canela
    ½ taza de azúcar
    1 ½ litros de agua
    3 tablillas de chocolate oaxaqueño o similar

    Tostar y moler las almendras y la canela, junto con el azúcar. En el agua hirviendo, disolver el chocolate con las almendras y la canela, y batir con el molinillo para que haga espuma. Se puede usar leche en vez de agua, si lo desea. También se puede servir con quesillo deshebrado.

    Para deleite de nuestros lectores, tenemos el placer de presentar a nuestras colaboradoras, la periodista Marichuy Garduño y la fotógrafa Bertha Herrera. Encuentren más sobre estas pioneras del periodismo gastronómico en México en su página www.conapetito.com.mx 

    Marichuy Garduño

    Periodista gastronómica con 25 años de experiencia. Ha trabajado en los suplementos culinarios de los diarios más importantes de México como Buena Mesa, Reforma; Menú impreso y Online, de El Universal. Actualmente es editora de Pimienta, Excélsior.

    A lo largo de su carrera, Marichuy ha entrevistado a varias personalidades del medio gastronómico, de la política y la literatura, entre los que destacan Enrique Olvera, Ricardo Muñoz Zurita, Alicia Gironella, Massimo Bottura, Gastón Acurio, Alex Atala, Robert Mondavi, Carlos Monsiváis, Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, Elena Poniatowska y Jacobo Zabludovsky entre otros.

    Bertha Herrera

    Comunicóloga de profesión, fotógrafa por convicción. Chilanga de nacimiento, oaxaqueña de corazón. Adicta a  capturar  imágenes, a resaltar las texturas de las cosas y de las personas. A lo largo de 23 años ha retratado grandes personajes vinculados con la gastronomía, la arquitectura, la moda, el diseño, la cultura, se ha especializado en la fotografía gastronómica, tomando cursos de food styling en en el Culinary de Nueva York.

    Ha trabajado en dos de los periódicos más importantes de México como son El Reforma y El Universal, y ha colaborado para  revistas relacionadas con estilos de vida, como El Gourmet, Chilango, In Style, Ha sido testigo de la transformación que ha habido dentro de la gastronomía mexicana. Para su lente han posado iconos de la cocina mexicana como Carmen Ramírez Degollado, Patricia Quintana, Alicia Gironella,  Giorgio D´ Angeli, Mónica Patiño y grandes cocineras tradicionales como Abigail Mendoza, Deyanira Aquino, Benedicta  Alejo. También destacados chefs como Ferran Adrià, René Redzepi , Joan Roca, Massimo Botura  Juan Mari Arzac , e infinidad de personajes famosos del mundo del espectáculo, la moda, la arquitectura, la cultura.

    Como dice la canción  “veinte años no es nada”, pero para ella han sido un cúmulo de experiencia en el ha conocido y viajado. Bertha ha hecho la fotografía para tres libros relacionados con la gastronomía. El libro acerca del chile es el que más emoción le ha causado.

  • You Say Turkey, I Say Guajolote – Two Worlds, One Plate

    Photo credit: Lissette Storch – Puebla, México

    My great-grandma Rachel ¨Rae¨ Storch, who was born and raised in  the U.S., always called us on Thanksgiving Day. In one occasion, I visited her during the holidays in her home in Miami. To celebrate, she treated me to a very nice meal and asked me what we usually did for Thanksgiving in Mexico. “We have no Mayflower!” I remember answering. Grandma seemed stunned for a second, and then agreed that it made sense that this celebration was not part of my emotional repertoire. I also told her that with our public transportation system as it was, I was reminded to be thankful quite often, especially when getting off a ‘combi’ or ‘pesero’ (vans or shuttle buses that zigzag through the city at incredible speeds and stop at random). Without even blinking,  my great-grandma, who was always worried about my being too short or too skinny, then asked me if my parents were making me drink enough milk and if I took vitamins… I was 24.

    For a while, shortly after I first moved to the U.S., and since I did not have family to celebrate with, I volunteered to be the one on call at work. Little by little, I have found myself participating in the festivity more and more often. After all, “en tierra que fueres haz lo que vieres*”. Besides, I can always make an argument for a party at the prospect of good food, and I have even added my on twist to it.

    To celebrate this year, I am sharing  two turkey-centric recipes- one in English to make orange tequila turkey, and one in Spanish for those interested in recreating the delicious mole de guajolote otomí, which is usually reserved for fiestas patronales (parties to celebrate patron saints). Any of these two delicious meals will have you saying gobble, gobble in two languages!

    *Popular saying equivalent to: “When in Rome do what the Romans do”.

    Originally published on 11/25/2013 
  • Let There Be Fire! – The Universal Language of Grilling

    Chimney starters help accelerate the process of getting the coal ready for grilling.  
    Photo credit: Illya Samko


    Summer is finally here, and in these latitudes, barbecue season often evokes images of sporting events and patriotic-themed cookouts. Of course, you need weather to cooperate, so as the words “barbecue” roll off your tongue, you have unconsciously summoned the idea of a picture-perfect day. Growing up in a part of the world blessed with rather benign weather year-round, it was not until I moved to Chicago that I understood why the state of the atmosphere often finds its way into the conversation or the news. Here, grilling is definitely a seasonal event and sometimes it is referred to as barbecuing.

    In Mexico, barbecue or barbacoa, means something different- it is a dish that typically entails cooking meat on an open fire (usually lamb) in a hole that has been dug in the ground for this purpose. Barbecuing to us, is a parrillada or a carne asada (literally, “grilled meat”). These words immediately make me think of a Sunday spent surrounded by family and friends in Mexico. Putting the meat on the grill is the main event, and the process entails an unspoken ritual that, like any other party in Mexico, takes at least a whole day. To me, the most curious part of the custom is what is often done in hopes that the rain won’t spoil the day- scissors and knives are staked into the ground. In some instances, this is done forming specific shapes, in others, these artifacts are put outside along with ribbons or even eggs…

    Last year, we asked a few suburban dads for their grilling tips right on time for Father’s Day. As I asked around, I realized that ideas were incredibly diverse-  from ingredients to techniques. Something I found particularly fascinating was that no matter who I was talking to, this conversation resonated.  The joy of grilling seemed universal.

    Is it? I think it might be. I asked my friend Illya for a few grilling tips. He happens to be Ukrainian and someone who, like me, is truly passionate about food. What do you have in common? You speak the same language-  He is another guy who loves to grill.

    Sizzling Hot: Our Primal Love for Food over Fire

     By: Illya Samko


    Grilling in Monterrey, Mexico. Photo credit: Illya Samko
    Grilling in Monterrey, Mexico. Photo credit: Illya Samko

    Since man started cooking with fire, food has never been the same. There is something deeply primal about putting a piece of steak on the fire; the sound of  meat sizzling on the grill, its aroma and the divine taste of a fresh steak. I believe these images are seared into our DNA.

    In the Ukraine, grilling is mainly associated with cooking pork. Pork shoulder is usually cut into cubes and marinated in mayonnaise, salt and onions. It is then skewered and cooked over charcoal slowly until it is well done.

    Ukrainian grill. Photo credit: Ilya Samko
    Ukrainian grill. Photo credit: Illya Samko

    My greatest learning experience as far as grilling goes, took place during my first trip to Monterrey, Mexico (birthplace of my lovely wife, Myrna). Here, grilling  is a way of life to say the least. I was impressed with how Regios* know their grilling. They use a specific type of charcoal, Mesquite, which gives the meat a very smoky and distinctive flavor. The preparation process is as important as grilling itself- It takes a certain number of cheves** to get the thing going. First the fire, then the botanas*** and few hours later, when you are so hungry that you could eat just about anything, you finally hear that “magic sound” and smell the beef- you are lovestruck.

     At that point, in spite of all the beers you’ve had, your senses are heightened and the level of salivation is downright dangerous. Finally, the teasing is over and it is time to feast- the plate full of grilled goodness makes it to the table. Devour you will. Believe me. Not only is grilling a ritual that takes hours, it is also a way to celebrate anything. Mexicans seem to celebrate life if there is no other particular reason to party.

    When grilling there are a few important things that you need to know. I believe these basic steps make a huge difference.

    • Never put any meat on the grill that came straight out from the fridge. Let it warm up a little. Room temperature is ideal.
    • Season your meat with kosher or sea salt and pepper. Good steak needs absolutely nothing else.
    • Be patient. You cannot rush a good burger, steak or whatever you are grilling.
    • After you take your steak off the grill, let it rest for about five minutes. This will allow all the juices to be redistributed back into the steak evenly.
    • I use a chimney starter to speed up the process of getting the coal ready for grilling. Using accelerators on the coal gives your food  a chemical taste.


    Born and raised in Western Ukraine, Illya Samko is a food enthusiast who loves to travel, learn about different cultures and try new cuisines. With a  degree in law, and a knack for anthropology, Illya has worked in London, New York and Chicago, where he currently lives with his Mexican wife, Myrna. 

    *Regios short for regiomontanos, are a citizens from Monterrey, Mexico.
    **Cheves is slang for cerveza or beer.
    ***Appetizers, snacks
    Originally published 6-23-2013 www.lavitaminat.com 
  • El Zacahuil y el Xojol: Delicias de la Huasteca

    Zacahuil. Foto: Gaby Navarro

    Por: Gaby Navarro

    ¡La huasteca, mi huasteca! Ese pedacito de México que hermana los estados de Tamaulipas, Veracruz, San Luis Potosí, Hidalgo, la Sierra Gorda de Querétaro e incluso un poco de Puebla. La llevo en la sangre con orgullo y con amor en el corazón. Con una tradición gastronómica ancestral, la región huasteca sorprende a propios y extraños con su variedad.

    Hoy he elegido dos platillos, el zacahuil y el xojol. Les hablaré de su historia y elaboración para trasportarlos a mi tierra, donde el aroma del primero invita a celebrar, mientras que el olor a canela y piloncillo del segundo, los hace sentir en casa.

    El Zacahuil

    En 1431, los pueblos de la huasteca eran dominados por Tenochtitlán, Texcoco y Tacuba, por lo que Moctezuma hizo prisioneros a los caudillos, nobles, caciques y reyes de la región. Antes de llevarlos a prisión, los cautivos eran humillados al ser obligados a vestirse de mujer, pintarse a la usanza tradicional y  bailar la Danza de Moctezuma en Cuextlán, (misma que hoy en día conocemos como “danza de los comanches”). En 1468 los pueblos comenzaron a pagar tributo a un “calpixqui” (mayordomo) de Moctezuma llamado, “Quimichtín” o ratón, a quien los huastecos dieron el  nombre de “Huehutli” (huehue-viejo, tlicutli-brasas), cuya interpretación es la de “viejito caliente”.

    “Huehutli”, entre otras atrocidades, sacrificaba niños recién nacidos para chuparles la sangre, acto que según él, servía para recuperar la juventud. Además, abusaba sexualmente de niñas, mujeres y ancianas.   Los huastecas, furiosos, se  negaron a seguir pagando tributo a los aztecas, y posteriormente se levantaron contra ellos. Una vez que los huastecos se enteraron de que los aztecas habían sido derrotados por los tarascos, buscaron a “Huehutli” y lo tomaron prisionero, lo mataron y lo degollaron. Posteriormente,  lo envolvieron en masa martajada, enchilada y molida en un metate, cubriéndolo con hojas de papatla (una hoja parecida a la del plátano ). Fue de esta manera, que con todo su cuerpo prepararon por primera vez un “chacahuil”: hicieron un enorme hoyo en la tierra, el cual llenaron de piedras ardientes y brasas.  Una vez cocido, el platillo se repartió entre todas la mujeres ultrajadas con el fin de limpiar su honra. Mientras lo comían, las mujeres gritaban jubilosas “tlanque cualantli” (se acabó el problema). Esta práctica se popularizó, transformándose en una tradición durante las guerras.  A los enemigos se les tomaba como prisioneros y los huastecos hacían el zacahuil para comérselos. Con la llegada de los españoles, el zacahuil comenzó a preparase con la carne del guajolote o del puerco.

    Para nosotros los huastecos de la zona sur de Tamaulipas y norte de Veracruz, el mejor zacahuil es sin duda el que se hace en la vecina población de Pánuco, Veracruz a escasos 50 minutos de Tampico.

    El lugar donde debes comerlo es sin duda la fonda “Doña Vicky” ubicada en calle Lerdo de Tejada #219, donde su propietaria doña María Virginia Villalón lleva más de 45 años cocinándolo. Doña Vicky ha sido homenajeada en diversas ocasiones por el gobierno municipal de Pánuco, y ha sido embajadora de la comida huasteca, llevando su zacahuil desde California hasta Japón. Ella nos contó que para hacer un buen zacahuil, se  debe primero “arreglar” una base de lámina con 20 hojas de plátano, se prepara la masa con manteca chile cascabel y un poco de royal y aparte se elabora el “chilpán” (adobo) con chile molido, pimienta, cebolla, todo frito. Con esta mezcla se baña la carne y se pone dentro del zacahuil, se cierra y se ata con cordón para meterlo al horno de barro (de preferencia) por 10 horas. ¡Un sólo zacahuil puede alimentar desde 30 hasta más de 100 personas! La consistencia de este manjar es como de atole: la masa forma pequeñísimas “bolitas” que parecen arroz.  El sabor es delicioso, la mezcla de la masa con la carne y el “chilpán” es irresistible. ¡Tienen que probarlo!

    El Xojol

    Xojol Huasteco Fuente de Foto: https://patrimoniohuastecahidalguense.wordpress.com/2012/10/27/gastronomia/
    Xojol Huasteco. Fuente de Foto: Patrimonio Huasteca Hidalguense

    El Xojol (“ojo” en tének), es un platillo típico de la huasteca hidalguense. El mejor lugar para comerlo es Huejutla de reyes, Hidalgo.  Tan grande como el zacahuil, la principal diferencia entre uno y otro radica en que el Xojol es dulce y se elabora a base de masa martajada, canela, coco, piloncillo, pasas y manteca envueltos en hoja de papatla. El Xojol se hornea también en horno de piedra, o de lodo, y su sabor es excepcional. Es ideal acompañarlo con café negro recién hecho. Su detallada técnica de preparación sigue perdurando aún con el pasar de los años, conservando la esencia y tradicionalidad que solo la huasteca puede ofrecer.

    Hasta la próxima ¡Abrazos Jaibos!


    gabyGaby Navarro es corresponsal de La Vitamina T. Además de su infecciosa pasión por su natal Tampico, y su conocimiento sobre la gastronomía y tradiciones locales de primera mano, Gaby es dueña de la empresa de banquetes Fextivo. Encuéntrala a esta extraordinaria embajadora tampiqueña en su página de Facebook 


  • Gefiltefish Goes Technicolor with Spanish Subtitles

    Photo: Brenda Storch

    The timing of this post is partly accidental, and partly intentional. I thought at first it might make sense to talk about the Lenten dishes that in an overwhelmingly Catholic Mexico, frame a series of events that culminate in Semana Santa or “Holy Week”: from the visits to the seven churches and the burning of big cardboard structures representing evil, called “Judas” (tradition which has permeated the culture to the point that the name Judas is synonymous with “traitor” when used as colloquial expression), to the reenactments of the crucifixion in the town of Iztapalapa.  What I remember the most about this season, aside from its coinciding with a nice break from school, is that somehow, every aspect of the celebration ended at the table of the family matriarch…


    My great-grandma, Rachel “Rae” Storch would have turned 102 this month. She died 13 years ago, a few days after my birthday, as if she were holding on just long enough to avoid it. I think of her often and I miss her dearly.

    Grandma Rae was Jewish, and whether we visited during Easter or Christmas, she would always make us feel at home. I remember that one Easter Sunday she cooked picadillo-stuffed peppers for us because, she assessed, the dish showcased a bit of Latin American flair. She also had a Christmas tree if we were around during the Christmas holidays, despite the fact that this triggered a few neighbors in her all-Jewish building to knock on her door to make sure she had taken her pills.

    It is not until now, that I am much older, that I realize how lucky I am to have such a diverse family; and I am incredibly grateful that grandma Rae was so embracing and open-minded. She did not speak Spanish, and I did not speak much English at the time, but we managed, and we definitely bonded over food. She loved to take us to her favorite place, “La Paloma”.

    Grandma Rae in her home in Miami in 1996

    The more I talk about food, the more I find it a particularly powerful element of national and religious identity. During the holidays, among many cultures, dishes often have ritualistic qualities and are charged with plenty of symbolisms. At the same time, dishes provide us with a common ground: we eat, therefore we exist.

    This season, I wanted to remember one of my favorite family matriarchs with a dish from her table. But, where to start? I do not have any of my grandma’s recipes. Luckily for me, Celia, mom of one of my closest friends, makes a delicious Veracruzan gefiltefish.  Thank you, Celia for generously sharing it with us!

    The concept “Veracruzan style” when referring to food,  evokes images of a fusion cuisine that blends tropical and Mediterranean flavors and ingredients.  Usually, tomatoes, olives and chili peppers are part of the meal.

    This dish never looked sexier!

    The recipe called for carp, and I had no idea that getting it in a Chicago suburb would be so difficult, which explains the accidental part of timing of this recipe, as I was hoping to post before Passover. We also took a few creative liberties. Enjoy!

    Gefiltefish a la Veracruzana (Veracruzan-Style Gefiltefish)

    Inspired in a recipe generously shared by Celia Presburger –  Querétaro, México

    Serves 6


    • 12 cups of chicken stock (this helps soften the fish flavor)
    • 1/2 an onion
    • 1 carrot
    • Head and fish bones (to provide consistency and flavor)


    • 1/3 lb of filleted carp
    • 1/3 lb of filleted sea bass
    • 1/3 lb of filleted red snapper
    • 2 bolillos (or 4 slices of bread) soaked in milk
    • 1 tbsp of salt
    • 1/2 tbsp of brown sugar
    • 1 tsp of pepper
    • 1 carrot
    • 1/2 an onion
    • 3 eggs lightly beaten
    • 1/4 cup of matzo meal

    Note: If you don’t find the three types of fish, use two, but make sure the carp is part of it.


    • 1/4 onion
    • 28 oz. can of diced tomatoes
    • 2 tbsp of capers
    • 1/4 cup of olives
    • 1 dried chile güero pod (available in your ethnic food aisle)



    1. Put the fish bones, carrot, onion and chicken stock in a pot. Bring to boil and simmer.


    1. Cut the fish into cubes. Put in the food processor until finely ground. Put in a bowl and set aside. 
    2. Grind the onion and the carrot in the food processor. Fold into the fish along with the matzo meal, salt, sugar, pepper, bread and eggs until you achieve a pasty consistency that will allow you to make patties.
    3. Drop the patties delicately into the boiling broth, cover, reduce to a simmer and cook for 30 minutes. Alternatively, you can cook in boiling water alone.


    1. Sautée the onion, add the tomatoes and spice to taste. Incorporate the olives, the capers and the chile.

    Once the patties are cooked, transfer them into the sauce along with some broth. Simmer.  Let cool and served chilled. I did not wait to eat it cold, I hope my grandma forgives me!

    *We did not use ingredients considered  kosher for Passover to make this recipe.

    Originally published March 29, 2013.

  • ¡Feliz Día de la Candelaria! La Historia Detrás de La Tradición


    ¿Por qué celebramos el Día de la Candelaria con tamales? Encuentra algunos detalles sobre esta deliciosa tradición en esta entrevista con Brenda Storch de La Vitamina T en Eye Witness News en Español.  Haz click aquí para verla.


  • Smoke and Fire – Falling in Love with Mezcal in Mexico City

    “Para todo mal, mezcal, y para todo bien también. (For every pain, mezcal, and  for every joy as well.)  

    – Mexican Folk Saying  


    By Brenda Storch

    Photo: Mezcalería Los Amantes

    Undoubtedly well positioned within the minds and hearts of locals (and even not so locals), mezcal seemed to play, for a long time, second fiddle to tequila. Little by little, though, this artisanal drink (which literally means “smoked agave” in Náhuatl), has slowly made a name for itself. This is especially why we loved seeing it as protagonist at two memorable Mexican eateries. Many thanks to Chef José Bossuet, who has spent a few months consulting with the Los Amantes Group, for introducing us to these gems.

    Mezcalería Los Amantes
    Avenida Campos Eliseos 290, Mexico City, Mexico 52 55 5281 0292                                                                      

    The namesake of the thoughtful, Oaxaca-born mezcal line, and the largest mezcalería in the world, Los Amantes (The Lovers) is located in one of Mexico City’s finest neighborhoods. Luckily, the zip code does not make this locale stuffy at all. What it does, however, is provide patrons with an elevated cantina experience, where food has been curated to make mezcal tasting a transformative journey.

    Black chichilo ceviche paired with three times distilled Los Amantes –  Joven

    We did not have a chance to try any of the other 200+ mezcal labels within this restaurant’s collection, as we focused on sampling the in-house pairings (Los Amantes has joven, añejo and reposado variations), which were especially designed to boost the delicacies in front of our eyes, along with a must try- pulque. It was a real treat to sample this millenary fermented beverage in such a setting, by the way. We highly recommend that you try the curados, which are concoctions made with pulque and fruit. Whether or not you enjoy them as much as I do, this should definitely be on any Mexico City visitor’s list.

    The concept behind the menu is to highlight dishes from states that produce mezcal. The culinary team, led by chef José Alberto Gómez, proudly displays true mastery of harmonization, using elements such as ashes and remarkable smoky salsas to make mezcal stand out. Food here is simple, yet seductive. I fell in love with the twice-distilled reposado so hard, I brought home one of its handsome Huichol-inspired bottles.

    Check out some of the dishes presented by the chefs during our tasting here.

    Mezcal tasting at Los Amantes is available by reservation only. Please call ahead. This is a very personalized experience. When you visit please say hi to Chef Beto for us!

    While writing this post I was notified that Los Amantes group will soon open a new mezcalería in another high-end neighborhood in the city – Santa Fe.  Stay tuned for more details.

    Chefs José Bossuet, Gerzayn Bellamy and José Alberto Gómez at the Mezcalería Los Amantes kitchen.

    Casona La Yucateca 
    Av Moliere 56, Mexico City, Mexico  52 55 5280 7473                                                                                                   

    You don’t need to leave Mexico City to sample the bright, complex and sophisticated cuisine of southeastern Mexico. The Yucatán peninsula is home to an extraordinary culinary tradition that is strongly committed to food preservation through a variety of techniques – pickling, brining, pit smoking, drying.  During this trip, I was delighted to notice that Yucatán and even Chiapas, seem to be gaining traction as foodie destinations, proving that they can hold their own as an alternative to long-standing gastronomy havens such as Oaxaca or Puebla.

    Throughout Mexico, over 500 years of fusion with different cultures have permeated local gastronomical expressions with a rich diversity of ingredients, colors, flavors, and textures. This happens in a surprisingly granular way, as ingredientes, cooking utensils and materials can vary greatly depending on geography, even within the same state.

    Chef José Bossuet’s latest project – Casona La Yucateca in Mexico City

    The architecture and décor at Casona La Yucateca are a modern take on a henequen hacienda. To add a dimension to our out-of-state experience, the drinks- creative, well-balanced and inspired in Mayan mythology, you will certainly agree that La Casona Yucateca’s mixologist, Marco Antonio Fausto, is a remarkable culinary artist. Pace yourself with those cocktails, though- they are light to the palate, but they pack a punch!

    Chef Bossuet and La Casona Yucateca’s Sales Manager, Ivonne Chávez were excellent tour guides and hosts during our culinary journey.


    The Kukulkán by Marco Antonio Fausto. I could drink this instead of water.

    The restaurant has several areas, including a private room for meetings, and a terrace that seems more like an indoor garden.

    We got settled in the private room, where we had the opportunity to sample an outstanding array of menu offerings ranging from the traditional sopa de lima (keffir lime soup) to salbutes, panuchos, kebbeh, and of course, the famous queso relleno (stuffed cheese) made with Edam cheese! Interestingly, this Danish product has become Yucatán’s favorite, and is quite ubiquitous in its gastronomy. While there are a few hypotheses attempting to explain how centuries ago, this cheese might have arrived at the more isolated Yucatán peninsula, most of them agree on one point- the aged dairy was certainly at an advantage, as it was able to survive the humid heat of the jungle.


    Yucatán has adopted Danish Edam as its favorite, featured here in a spectacular queso relleno.
    Kebbeh, taboule and other dishes show the Lebanese influence in the culinary expressions of the Mexican southeast.
    Traditional turkey salbute with pickled vegetables. Turkey is a very popular meat in Yucatán’s modern gastronomy.
    Tikin Xic fish leverages local ingredients and underlines the importance of pickling and marinades as preserving agents.

    Find several videos of our tasting tour including dessert,  here!

    Chef Juan Reyes is in charge of a kitchen where know how and passion are mixed with ingredients sourced from Yucatán to ensure the authenticity of flavors. Food is made from scratch, including but not least importantly, the bread. Chef Efraín Gamboa’s craft discreetly enhances the meal and patiently awaits to take center stage at dessert.

    We returned from our “visit” to Yucatán really longing to go back.

  • Méx-O-Logy – Hardcore Horchata Recipe

    Photo courtesy of Red Stag
    Photo courtesy of Red Stag

    Horchata, a delicious Mexican rice drink is one of my favorite beverages.  Chef, Jonathan Zaragoza, surprised us with a cocktail inspired in this drink. This is definitely horchata for adults.

    Hardcore Horchata

    • 8 cups of water, divided
    • 1 cup long grain white rice, rinsed
    • 1 stick of Mexican cinnamon
    • ½ cup of sugar, or to taste
    • ½ cup Jim Beam Hardcore Cider

    Working in batches, combine the rice, cinnamon and 4 cups of water in a blender, pulsing to grind the rice and cinnamon. Transfer the rice/cinnamon mixture to a bowl and add remaining 4 cups of water. Soak overnight. Puree the rice mixture, again and strain through a fine meshed strainer or cheesecloth. Mix in sugar and Jim Beam Hardcore Cider and chill. Serve over ice with a cinnamon stick as garnish.


    A Chicago native, Zaragoza taps into his Jalisco roots to bring to life Mexican-inspired dishes with a creative twist. This recipe is the second of a series.  

    Originally published on 6/16/2014

    La Vitamina T was invited to an event sponsored by Red Stag by Jim Beam® Hardcore Cider and received free samples of food, pairings and product. The decision to write this review, as well as all opinions, are our own. 
  • Leyendas, Manjares, Gigantes y Otros Tesoros Tampiqueños


    La famosa torta de ternera y el machacado de fruta de “El Globito”. Foto: Gaby Fextivo

    Por: Gaby Fextivo

    En una posición geográfica privilegiada, bañada por las aguas del río Pánuco, se encuentra la Heroica ciudad y puerto de Tampico. Su centro histórico con edificios de estilo francés, guarda detalles de la historia de México de los que casi no se escucha.

    Fue en este puerto, (cuyo nombre “Santa Anna de Tampico” le fue asignado en honor de tan controvertido personaje) donde en 1829 se consolidó la independencia de México. Es aquí que se consigue la “Victoria de Tampico”. Esta batalla fue el último intento de la corona española por conquistar a nuestro país.

    No solo guerras han pasado a la historia en este puerto, también lo han hecho sus delicias. Recordemos la carne asada a la Tampiqueña, las tortas “de la barda”, la jaiba “a la Frank” del famoso restaurante “El Porvenir”. También hay un lugar que es punto de reunión de las familias tampiqueñas y visita obligada de turistas, la fuente de sodas “El Globito”, ubicada en la Plaza de Armas al borde de la calle Fray Andrés de Olmos. Fundada en 1937 por Don Jesús Estrada Trujillo, “El Globito” es conocido por su deliciosa torta de ternera elaborada con la receta secreta de la familia, así como por sus refrescantes machacados de fruta, de los cuales el de piña es el más solicitado. Su bebida estrella es el famoso “globito”,  un batido de rompope con leche y canela que debes probar.

    El Globito: deliciosa y obligada visita si estás en Tampico. Foto: Turismo de Tampico

    “El Globito” está abierto las 24 horas, así que no importa si tu antojo surge a media noche. Seguro lo encontrarás abierto y te sorprenderá darte cuenta que no eres el único antojadizo.

    Pero, ¿qué sería de la ciudad sin su gente?

    Saliendo de “El Globito” caminando por la calle Díaz Mirón, casi frente al Hotel Inglaterra, se encuentra la estatua de bronce de un hombre que en vida llevó el nombre de José Calderón Torres, conocido por los tampiqueños como “Pepito el terrestre”.  Nacido en 1915, y vecino de la bulliciosa colonia Cascajal, Pepito alcanzó la fama por su estatura: nada más y nada menos que 2 metros 34 centímetros.  Pepito llegoó a ser el hombre más alto del mundo en las décadas de los 50, 60 y principios de los 70.

    Debido a su estatura, recibió numerosas ofertas de trabajo, desde anunciante de productos y hasta de programa de espectáculos, pero Pepito se negó dejar su tierra y su familia. Él trabajaba en el Sindicato de Terrestres en el puerto, de ahí su mote cariñoso, “El terrestre”. De los tampiqueños se ganó el cariño y el respeto por ser un hombre noble, su vida se volvió leyenda y es contada a las nuevas generaciones con particular cariño por nuestros padres y abuelos.

    Pepito “El Terrestre”. Foto: Turismo de Tampico.

    De Tampico hay mucho que contar y mucho que probar. Visítanos, pruébanos, te garantizo que te enamoraras de nuestra ciudad.

    Hasta la próxima. ¡Abrazos Jaibos!

    Gaby Navarro es corresponsal de La Vitamina T. Además de su infecciosa pasión por su natal Tampico, y su conocimiento sobre la gastronomía y tradiciones locales de primera mano, Gaby es dueña de la empresa de banquetes Fextivo. Encuéntrala a esta extraordinaria embajadora tampiqueña en su página de Facebook.

  • Nuestra Mesa – Recetas Típicas Navideñas: Ensalada de Zanahoria

    Seguro que ya están pensando en qué van a servir para la Navidad y el subsecuente recalentado. Las ensaladas de frutas no pueden faltar esta temporada, y ¿qué me dicen de la pierna al horno? Pensando en los platillos típicos de nuestras celebraciones,  el chef Aldo nos trae  hoy a nuestra mesa, una serie de deliciosas recetas. Esta es la primera. ¡Qué las disfruten!

    Foto: Manuel Rivera - Ciudad de México
    Foto: Manuel Rivera – Ciudad de México


    (10 Personas)

    Receta de la señora Lilia Gómez Rojas, Ciudad de México, México


    1 kg  de zanahoria

    ½ kg de crema ácida

    ¼ kg de nuez pelada

    ¼ kg de pasas

    200 gr de azúcar mascabado

    2 cucharadas de jengibre en polvo


    1. Lava y pela la zanahoria

    2. Ralla la zanahoria y colócala en un recipiente hondo, añade las pasas y el azúcar

    3. Pica las nueces y agrégaselas a la zanahoria

    4. Agrega la crema y mezcla

    5. Agrega el jengibre y mezcla


    Encuentra aquí la segunda receta de esta serie.

    El chef Aldo Saavedra ha cocinado para huéspedes de establecimientos como el conocido Hotel Condesa D.F. y ha contribuído con sus recetas en proyectos con marcas de la talla de Larousse y Danone. En Nuestra Mesa, el chef Saavedra comparte con los lectores de La Vitamina T, su pasión por la cocina y por México. Encuentra más información sobre el chef Saavedra en RutaAlma

     Publicada originalmente el 11 de diciembre del 2012, 9:12 PM